Wednesday 24 November 2010


Through out this assignment I believe my group had some strengths and weakness through out the assignment, when we was first put into our groups I felt very out of my comfort zone, but I also knew this was a chance for me to show I could be out of my comfort zone.
One of the weakness’s we had was bad communication skills, as we was in a big group they decided that we would split the group in to two groups one doing the morning show and the other the afternoon. The girls and I tried to see what the boys were doing and tried to make sure we knew what they was doing and how we could be involved in there show.
When the day actually came I had done nothing apart from make the music for the background of the news for the boys. I tried to make myself be able to be able to talk in the radio show but had no chance of that happening as I didn’t even have a mic to share. I felt like I would not get the grades I could have been got if I was more involved and knew this is a bad weakness of mine that needs to be improved now. I felt not very trust worthy as I was not given any work to do or even asked for my option through out any of this. I was hardly even kept up to date with any of the work that was been done.
At the beginning of the show we was going too fast it was 3 minutes if that talking and then going into a song so we had to add bits in and also. The only part where I wanted to actually get involved as I had played in the game was call of duty and boyfriends I thought I could have actually spoke but I had no chance of getting a microphone to speak.
We had a very good happy laughter atmosphere whilst talking our weakness however was keeping prepared we did not have enough things to talk about and when we did no one would jump in and help. I couldn’t since I had no mic and when I asked if I could i was just told one person to a mic. So I kept quiet in the corner as I listened and wrote down everything we was talking about and helping me write my evaluation.
Ella, Chelsea and Liv had high pitch and low pace voices and it to me felt like it gave more listeners into the show. Because they was talking clear and Ella was sat up straight making more air into her lungs to speak, as Liv was loud and clear which was good as the listeners could hear what we was talking about.
Jack how ever had a low pitch slow pace voice, which in my case was a little boring as you loose the listeners if you talk slowly. Overall we did do a good job since we was all panicking and felt like we was under a lot of pressure, we just made sure we was having a good time talking and listening to music which we knew would make the listeners feel the same way.
Ella and Chelsea were the presenters of the show you could tell this from how much they spoke to each other through out the show, it made the show what it was to be honest as it would have been very quiet and would have been song after song after song which would have not really of given us more of what we could do as usual.
As for the boys I have no idea where they were or what they did as they were not in the room with us but there feature did come up. Which had Brett in. overall If I had to do this again I would make sure that we had more communication skills in the team and also make sure that not only me but every knew what was going on, even better would have made a time take of what should be done where and what time etc that way everyone would have a rough idea on what we going on and you could catch up easily, also I would of preferred if out group had not split up at all and we stayed as one whole group as to me this caused more complications.

Thursday 11 November 2010


There different techniques used in the radio industry.
You can use a high pitch fast pace which would make the listeners not understand what the presenter is saying as they would be talking at a fast pace which would make them turn over the station. By saying high pitch this makes the audience feel happy and excited If the presenter feels this way to. Voice is very important in the radio industry as this brings listeners to the station.
For example if we was to have a low pitch and slow pace presenter on the morning you would as the listener feel more tired and dull as this is what the presenter would also be feeling. It would be slow dull and boring.
Also unexpected voice is effective in radio, for example using different expressions, whispering when something is secretive would bring more enthusiastic and fun to the radio show.
Keeping an average speed of voice through out the show is very important as your listeners need to hear what you are saying especially if it is a important message you are trying to get through to your listeners. The way to keep an average speed is to remember 3 words is a second.
Pausing during the show makes the listeners no you are changing subject, for example in he news they pause for about a second which then they speak about a different subject. It also bring a dramatic effect. The reason I no this is because nothing. Is happening and you are expecting something to happen so you listen to see what is going to happen.
Talking and communicating are two different things. For example you can be talking to someone about to have a conversation, but no radio listeners want to hear two people over each other communicating. You have to make sure only one talks at a time so the listener gets both sides of the conversation. Communicating is using words to connect with the listeners from topics you choose and the words you use for the topic you talk about.
EQ may be muffled at times, EQ which means equaliser is an audio processing tool used for digitally communication. It allows us to manipulate high pitch and low pitch.